Sponsorship Opportunities and Partner Alliances
Your company is invited to be a Sponsor of one of the many programs offered by the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. In doing so, your company's name will be prominently placed before hundreds of Deans and Associate Deans throughout the world who receive e-communication from ICFAD and who attend our Annual Conference in October.
Our Annual Conference
Each part of our Conference – from the Receptions to the Educational Program to the Lunch Programs – offers name-recognition opportunity. We hope you will agree that we have developed a sponsorship opportunity to serve every level of financial support. If your company would like to have an exhibit at the ICFAD Conference, as well as receive added name recognition benefit by sponsoring one of the Conference events, please consider the possibilities described here.
Each Conference sponsorship opportunity includes:
- Complimentary registration to the conference for one representative to build relationships with ICFAD members and guests.
- Opportunity for additional representatives from your company to attend all Conference events, by registering for the Conference at the ICFAD Member rate
- A 6' table will be available for your team to display information about your company, at the event you sponsor
- An introduction and message of appreciation at the beginning of the event you sponsor
- Your company's logo, on the Conference APP
- Your company's name in all Conference printed and on-line promotions, beginning in the spring and running through the Conference
- Your company's name in all Conference e-mail promotions to Deans and Associate Deans throughout the nation and to many in other parts of the world, beginning in the spring and running through the Conference
- The opportunity to include something from your company at our Conference Registration Table (This can be a brochure or a promotional item with your company's logo on it, or both)
- Your company's one-page advertisement included in Conference registration materials – printed and electronic
- Consideration of your company's editorial piece, 500 words or fewer, in our Conference Program, if received by July 15
- Your company's name, logo, introduction, and a link to your website on the ICFAD website, on our Sponsor Recognition page
- A list of attendees and their contact information, provided post-Conference
- First opportunity to be the featured sponsor for the same program, the following year
The sponsorship opportunities described below include all the benefits listed above and additional benefits related to each sponsored event, as described below.
The day before our Conference begins, ICFAD offers its Deans the opportunity to arrive early for smaller-group education with peers. Topics include Development (for Deans and members of their Development team); Mentoring Initiatives for New Deans (a very popular program intended to support Deans who have been in their positions for three years or fewer); and Fellows (an enrichment program for future Deans).
ICFAD Professional Development Workshops $2,000
Architectural Tour, Your Company’s Professional Development Workshop $5,000 The day before our Conference begins, ICFAD offers sponsor companies an opportunity to develop and provide a tour of performing arts spaces and other architectural projects in the area or an afternoon workshop on a subject about which your professionals have expertise. In addition to the sponsorship fee, all expenses related to the tour or workshop shall also be paid for by the sponsoring company.
Welcome Reception Sponsor $5,000 Meet and greet all who have arrived the day before the educational seminar, as the host of our Wednesday evening Opening Reception. This sponsorship opportunity includes the opportunity for you to share visual images projected on a screen with Conference attendees.
Conversations in the President's Suite or Dinners with ICFAD Board Members (two sponsorships available) $2,000 each Your sponsorship entitles a representative of your company to be introduced and receive appreciation of the company’s sponsorship, and to listen and learn alongside the Deans with whom new relationships are being built during these unique opportunities.
Breakfast Sponsor $2,500 The Breakfast before our program starts is where many people will pick up their Conference materials, and see their colleagues and friends for the first time. Your company can be part of the upbeat beginning of the main Conference day.
Arts Immersion in our Host City/Off-site Breakfast Sponsor $7,500 During many conferences, ICFAD takes the arts thought leaders attending the Conference to a local arts venue or institution of higher education for breakfast, a panel presentation, and tour of the venue. Your company can be featured at this well-attended and much-appreciated event.
Early Bird Session $3,000 During many conferences, we offer an Early Bird Session over breakfast. Your company may submit a proposal to be the featured presenter of this program, to be considered by the Conference Planning Committee.
Morning Break Sponsor (two available - Thursday and Friday) $1,500 each Capture your audience while they are stepping out of the classroom area. The Deans are yours for meaningful conversation, while enjoying a break that your company has provided. They will certainly be appreciative. On Friday, sponsor ICFAD's Award for Arts Achievement and Excellence.
Seminar Luncheon (two available – Thursday and Friday) $4,000 each The luncheon on Thursday is part of the educational program and features a speaker of national prominence.
Afternoon Break Sponsor (two available – Thursday and Friday) $3,500 and $4,000 The luncheon on Thursday is part of the educational program and features a speaker of national prominence.
Keynote Speaker Sponsor $3,500 Your sponsorship support will be appreciated by conference participants because it allowed ICFAD to bring keynote speakers who focus on important and timely topics. Your support will target honorariums, travel and housing the conference's most popular and well attended sessions.
Afternoon Break Sponsor (two available - Thursday and Friday) $1,500 each There are so many creative ways we can capture your audience's attention mid-day! An ice cream cart or a host of other fun ideas will energize the Deans as they continue with their education and networking. Your company can make the magic happen!
Roundtable Presentation Sponsor $2,500 On Thursday afternoon, Deans and Associate Deans participate in active dialog as part of our Rountable Presentations: Timely Topics in the Arts. Each attendee has the opportunity to attend three, 30-minute sessions (with five minute breaks for transition, between).
Celebrate the Arts Cocktail Reception (three sponsorships available) $5,000 each This event is always well attended, and all appreciate the cocktails and hors d'oeuvres after a full day of seminars. This sponsorship opportunity includes the opportunity for you to share visual images projected on a screen with Conference attendees.
Closing Reception Sponsor (two sponsorships available) $5,000 each Following two full days of education and idea- and resource-sharing with colleagues, Arts Deans are energized! Sponsoring the Closing Reception at ICFAD's Annual Conference is a great opportunity to deliver your company's marketing message with an enthusiastic and receptive audience. This sponsorship opportunity includes the opportunity for you to share visual images projected on a screen with Conference attendees.
Put Your Message in Writing Your institution or company may clearly communicate your message to our Deans by placing your advertisement in our Program Book, produced annually and distributed at our Conference. This publication is a high-quality, four-color book that serves as a commemorative piece for each ICFAD Annual Conference. Full-page ads (7.75" wide x 10.25" high, no bleed) are available for $1,000 and half-page ads (7.75 " wide x 5" high) are $750. After each Conference, the program book is available to members throughout the year, on the ICFAD website.
For a printable document featuring Sponsorship Opportunities and the Sponsorship Agreement, please click here.
Please call the ICFAD office with questions about sponsorship opportunities, (561) 514-0810.