John Baldacchino
John Baldacchino is Professor of Arts Education and the Director of the Arts Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His work focuses on art, philosophy and education. He is the author of Post-Marxist Marxism (1996), Easels of Utopia (1998), Avant-Nostalgia (2002); Education Beyond Education (2009); Makings of the Sea (2010); Art’s Way Out (2012), Mediterranean Art Education (With Raphael Vella, 2013), Democracy Without Confession (with Kenneth Wain, 2013), John Dewey (2013), and My Teaching, My Philosophy: Kenneth Wain (with Simone Galea and Duncan Mercieca, 2014). He is currently editing volume 1 of the Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Art & Design Education: Histories & Philosophies, and writing two new books, on Giambattista Vico and on Ivan Illich. More information: www.johnbaldacchino.com