Dan Guyette
Dan is the dean of the College of fine arts at Western Michigan University. He previously served as dean of the College of fine arts at the University of south dakota and most recently as dean of fine and Performing arts at Western Washington University. He has extensive experience in program and curricular design, fundraising, leadership development, community engagement, fiscal planning and management. as an award winning theatre designer he has worked professionally around the country while serving in leadership roles with various arts organizations including six years as the Commissioner of scene design for the United states institute for theatre technology and President of the rocky Mountain theatre association. dan received his education at northwestern University and the Pennsylvania state University.
Dan has been a member of iCfad for the past 13 years and is currently serving as treasurer after being elected to Board of directors for a second three year term this past fall. He served as interim treasure last year after completing his first term as a member at large in 2013. He was the coordinator for the 50th anniversary Gala event and led the second annual Mind workshop (Mentoring initiative for new deans), which he created for iCfad in 2012. He served as Chair of the Career development task force for four years, has presented several sessions, hosted panels and led multiple roundtables over the years.